Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
America’s Gen Z on democracy, politics and the future
Born between 1997 and 2012, Gen Z represents the youngest cohort of eligible voters. Shaped by the digital age, climate concerns, economic shifts, and the impact of COVID-19, the generation’s identity has now been further influenced by the specter of global conflicts. With 41 million Gen Z members eligible to cast votes–and many participating in a presidential election for the first time–the question arises: How do they envision the future of their democracy?
In this 36-minute episode of America Speaks, political analyst and pollster Dr. Frank Luntz asks students at George Washington University what issues concern them the most, what they think of today’s political leaders and what gives them hope for our future. Their answers reveal how much progress we have yet to make in our own country and for all humans who believe in democracy around the world.