America Speaks with Frank Luntz (Video)
America Speaks tracks the nation’s pulse and sparks discussions that reveal the sentiments of American voters in real time. Join pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz as he engages in diverse conversations on the issues that matter most to the American electorate.

Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
President Biden identified many key concerns as he delivered his annual State of the Union address. He confronted foreign wars in Ukraine and Gaza and domestic issues relevant to rural America, sparking a range of reactions from prospective voters.
In this 30-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a panel of undecided swing-state Americans to measure their feedback and reactions to the speech. While opinion on the speech itself was split, participants did not have reassuring answers when asked to summarize their own impression of the state of the country in just one word. One participant aptly summarized what seemed to be a shared concern: “We have two unions.”

Friday Mar 08, 2024
Friday Mar 08, 2024
U.S. political campaigns have become notoriously toxic, a trend broadly reflective of the overall toxicity of modern American politics itself. Political campaign ads and political messaging have become perhaps the most consistent public measure of that toxicity. So when it comes to the upcoming election, what do Americans expect to see in their political advertisements and campaign messaging?
In this 30-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks a panel of Americans to review political campaign ads for the upcoming 2024 election and to rate how they feel second by second as those ads progress. Democrats and Republicans were measured separately, and their approval ratings were often opposite from one another, implying that a good or inspiring message for one side was often perceived as negative by the opposing side. But the unaffiliated line, measured in yellow, suggests more nuance and moderation in the center of the political spectrum.

Thursday Mar 07, 2024
Thursday Mar 07, 2024
We find ourselves in an era of high friction between Democrats and Republicans on numerous issues. As primary season turns into election season, heated arguments and disagreements might escalate. Most of us accept that we won’t agree on everything, but how can Americans learn to disagree better?
In this 39-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz engages with a diverse group of Americans who all aspire to “disagree better.” But what does that mean, and how can Americans live up to that challenge? Dr. Luntz explores those questions and discovers plenty of common ground to build on.

Thursday Feb 29, 2024
Thursday Feb 29, 2024
From the numerous wars raging abroad to our civil divisions here at home, it can sometimes feel like America and the world are on fire. In addressing these crises, it is essential to prioritize and identify the ones that concern Americans the most.
In this 28-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans to share their deepest concerns for their country and the world. From a lack of empathy and civility to the financial difficulties of modern life, the panelists explore a range of different answers. Almost all of them, however, say their biggest concerns have more to do with American culture and behavior than economics.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
The United States does a lot of things well and it’s rated fifth in the best countries overall. Yet for those who hear mostly negative news, it’s easy to believe that things could not get any worse. As we yearn for an idealized yesteryear, we might take the blessings of today for granted, and forget the many things Americans agree on.
In this 26-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz examines the positive values of American identity. Luntz asks a panel of Americans what they love about their country, what they could agree on, and what unique assets they think make today’s America a truly great nation.

Thursday Feb 22, 2024
Thursday Feb 22, 2024
The Republican and Democratic Parties have had a two-party lock on American politics since the U.S. Civil War, with comparatively few successful third-party campaigns at the federal level over the past 150 years. While some Americans appreciate the two-party system, others argue for a more open multi-party democracy and want to make it easier for independent and third-party candidates to run. Some Americans, out of protest or for other reasons, choose not to participate in the current two-party system at all.
In this 33-minute episode of America Speaks, pollster and political analyst Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a sample of Americans who are either abstaining from voting or planning to throw their weight behind a third-party or independent candidate.
Luntz dives deep into the reasons why they made this choice and uncovers a near-unanimous unifying truth: Voting third-party is more about rejecting the current state of the two-party system, rejecting Trump and Biden personally, and rejecting what U.S. politics has become, than it is about embracing any particular third-party campaign, candidate or ideology.

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
Recent polls give former President Donald Trump a lead over President Joe Biden in a 2024 general election matchup. With rising wages and GDP, record-low unemployment, and an opponent facing 91 felony criminal charges, it might be difficult for observers to make sense of Biden’s declining popularity against Trump in an anticipated 2024 rematch.
In this 34-minute episode of America Speaks, political analyst and pollster Dr. Frank Luntz interviews a group of individuals who voted for Biden in 2020 but plan on not voting for him in 2024. Luntz asks them a range of questions to understand how Biden lost their support since they cast their votes in 2020.

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
America is home to some of the best universities in the world, and U.S. college graduates regularly compete for elite positions worldwide. Yet the K-12 American public education system lags far behind this performance, contributing to divisions within American society and jeopardizing the academic potential of America’s younger generations.
In this 30-minute episode of America Speaks, political analyst and pollster Dr. Frank Luntz asks American parents for their observations on K-12 public school funding, curriculum, student support, overcrowding, and active shooter events.

Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Immigration continues to be a topic of debate among everyday American citizens and within the halls of Congress. As migrants and refugees pour into the United States over the U.S.-Mexico border, U.S. immigration courts struggle to process their cases. U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently hinted that mass amnesty might be required to help resolve the immigration dilemma—something which has not been done in roughly four decades.
In this 34-minute episode of America Speaks, political analyst and pollster Dr. Frank Luntz asks Americans what they think of immigrants and the immigration crisis, and whether President Biden or former President Donald Trump is better positioned to resolve the challenges associated with immigration.

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
America’s firefighters battle hazardous conditions and long work days to keep Americans safe every day. Yet in crisis after crisis, through raging wildfires and terrorist attacks, these heroes continue to show up, fully committed to some of the most dangerous work in the country.
In this 37-minute episode of America Speaks, firefighters discuss their most memorable experiences, what they wish civilians and politicians knew about their work, and many stories of tragedy and triumph that they’re willing to share. Their responses take us from the trauma of 9/11 to the shock of George Floyd’s murder and the COVID-19 pandemic.